If 2012 wasn’t all you wanted it to be don’t worry it’s 2013 and you have the power to make this year different.

Here are five tips to keep you moving forward in 2013. Remember that resolutions are about progress not perfection.

  1. Set Goals: write down your goals, and then identify an action plan to achieve them.
  2. Establish a supportive environment: seek out others who are working towards goals and hold each other accountable.
  3. Prepare for Bumps: No one is perfect, there will be times when you slip back into your old habits. Don’t let those times hinder your progress. Simply accept them as a bump and get back on track.
  4. Track your progress: Keep a journal noting what you have accomplished and overcome. This way when you hit those bumps it is easier to overcome them because you have seen how far you have already come.
  5. Ask for help: Do not be afraid to ask for help, no one can accomplish everything by themselves.


The Mobile Home and Manufactured Housing Industry Update provides a forum for sharing information of interest to people who live and work in mobile home park communities in California and anyone else who is interested in knowing more about mobile home living.  The Report is sponsored by the Manufactured Housing Educational Trust, a non-profit association that has worked to promote and preserve the mobile home park lifestyle since its incorporation in 1982.  Welcome to participate in the exchange of information on mobile home parks!