Stay Cool in Your Home

Temperatures are rising everywhere this summer, and in some places, it is unbearable without using the air conditioner. Using it often will result in high utility bills, but it is also important to keep your home under a tolerable temperature. If you are looking for ways to stay cool by not using the AC, consider adopting the following methods into your lifestyle.

During the day, close your windows and do your best to keep the sunlight from coming into your home. You might be tempted to leave the window open when there’s a breeze, but you won’t benefit from the breeze if it’s warm. In addition, avoid using appliances and lights that generate a lot of heat so that the inside of your home will be lower than outside.

Switch your bed sheets to lightweight cotton, since it is a more breathable material, and will promote ventilation and airflow in your bedroom. Choose lightweight cotton for not only your sheets, but also for your clothes.

Make your own ice packs or use chilled towels, and even take a cold shower to get some instant relief from the heat. You can also put a pan or bowl of ice in front of a fan to create a make-shift “air conditioner.”

Remember to stay hydrated. Make sure your body get enough fluids, but avoid drinking caffeine or alcohol, since they will leave you dehydrated.

If you still feel like your home is unbearable, try spending some time in buildings with AC, such as your local public library or senior/community centers.


Pride In Ownership

Maintaining the appeal of the park is not only the responsibility of the park owner and manager it is also up to you. Each mobile home owner is responsible for the upkeep of his or her home. When the exterior of your house looks good, i.e. free of clutter, small garden, fresh paint etc., the entire park looks more appealing to not only the residents and their guests but also to prospective new homeowners.

If you decide to sell your home there are a handful factors that will affect the price. Many of these factors are associated with the idea of “Pride in Ownership”. Your home may be identical to one for sale down the street and if the person down the street has taken more time to keep their house looking new and their carport free of clutter; their house is more likely to get a buyer not only first but one who is willing to pay more for the home.

Taking pride in your home and keeping it clean and beautiful takes only a few hours every weekend. Pull weeds, clear trash, plant flowers or herbs and enjoy the outdoors. This will also give you a chance to socialize with your neighbors because once one person shows pride in their home it is bound to inspire the rest of the community.

Do not forget about the inside of your home. Having a well kept home always makes you feel better and it can also help with the cost of your bills. By fixing old and leaky faucets and toilets you can conserve water and save money. If your electric bill is through the roof you might want to consider replacing old doors and windows as they can let cold air out and hot air in.

Take pride in your home and in your park. After all, no one wants to live in a place that is falling apart.