A Fresh Mindset for the New Year

Though we’re a little late, we want to wish you and yours the happiest New Year! May 2022 bring you comfort, peace, and prosperity!

It is a time honored tradition that people begin the new year with new goals. If you’re like us and didn’t get started right away on January 1st, that’s okay! You don’t need to wait for the next year to roll around to make a move toward your goals – today is always the best day to start improving.

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” — C.S. Lewis

The last two years have been unusual and tiring in numerous ways and many of us could use a mental reset. Even if everything around you feels out of your control, one thing you can control is yourself and how you respond to the world around you. So, in honor of the New Year and new beginnings, we thought it would be good to take some time to reset our outlook and approach the new year with fresh feelings of purpose and possibility.

“What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven’t even happened yet.” —Anne Frank

If you’re having trouble coming up with resolutions or ways to reboot your mindset, we found a few recommendations from Parade.com that will hopefully help you with both – goals to help you change yourself and your outlook for the better.

Give one compliment a day – it’s like a free form of gift giving. You can make someone else’s day a little better and maybe feel better afterwards yourself.

Do random acts of kindness – it can be something as smaller, like holding the door for the person behind you or letting that person over in traffic, or more substantial, like volunteering your time to help someone in the community. No matter the method you choose, it seems like we could all benefit from a little more kindness.

Clear out the clutter – studies have indicated that clutter can increase your stress levels, which then negatively impact your physical and mental health. Take some time to clean out stuff you don’t need, because it can make you feel so much better. Plus, fewer things to worry about keeping clean and organized!

Write down something you’re grateful for each night – big or small, taking time each day to be thankful can help shift your overall outlook towards the positive. Some also believe that daily gratitude can also help with depression and anxiety.

Whatever the goal, write it down – there have been some studies that indicate putting your goals in writing makes it more likely that you accomplish them. It helps you remember your starting point, reinforces the plan in your mind, and you can reference it later if you fall off but want to get back to it.

No matter how you approach the New Year, we wish you the best and hope that you find peace, prosperity, and success in your endeavors.

“Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.” —Benjamin Franklin

Mobilehome and Manufactured Homes Sales

Who handles the sales of mobilehomes and manufactured homes?

Only dealer-brokers licensed by the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) handle sales of new manufactured homes and mobilehomes. These new homes come with a one-year warranty from the manufacturer, but the warranty usually does not cover transit damage and may not apply to faulty installation. Used mobilehomes do not come with a warranty and may be sold by dealers, real estate agents, or the homeowner, who must provide the buyer with a resale or transfer disclosure statement (TDS), as mentioned previously. Complaints about mobilehome dealers should be directed to the Mobilehome Ombudsman at 800.952.5275, or ombudsman@hcd.ca.gov.

What if there is an issue with my new mobile home?

If there is a safety or construction issue with your new mobile home, you must notify the manufacturer, retailer, or installer. If the problem is not resolved, you may be able to use the HUD Manufactured Home Dispute Resolution Program. This program aims to provide timely resolution (of eligible disputes) between manufacturers, retailers and installer of manufactured homes regarding the responsibility of correction or repairs of defects in manufactured homes.

There are a few eligibility requirements to participate in this program. For example, the owner of the mobile home needs to report any issues to the manufacturer, retailer, installer, State Administrative Agency, or HUD within one year after the date of installation. In addition, not all States participate in this program, due to some administering their own dispute resolution programs.

If you are eligible to participate in the program, you can submit a request for dispute resolution in one of five ways: by email, phone, fax, mail, or online. The program outlines key information to include in your request, if you are not using the online form to submit the request. Make sure to visit their website to see if you are eligible, and read through all the instructions in order for your request to be processed. In addition, you can watch a very informative video about the program on their website.
Resources: http://www.huddrp.net/

Video Link: http://www.huddrp.net/video/

HUD Administered Dispute Resolution Program:

571-882-2928, info@huddrp.net